Monday, December 12, 2016


I bought these jeans in Beyond Retro a few weeks ago. At first I was a little unsure about the shape because for as long as I can remember I've been sporting a skinnier silhouette. But hey, they were only £24, (I know right!?), and my wardrobe was getting a little stale so I thought a change would do me some good.

Another change, as well as my freshly self-cut fringe, is my newfound love of stripes! I actually bought this rollneck thinking it would be good to shoot on models when testing, but I've been wearing it so much myself in the last few weeks. I used to think stripes were really unflattering - which I still think they are a little - but sometimes they just work, and I can see that now. Here I'm also wearing a newish cardigan that I got for my birthday in Stockholm. I LOVE the colour, it's such a beautiful dappled green! Speaking of Stockholm I'm actually returning to Scandinavia next week for the fourth time in the last year, can you tell that I love it!? I'm going to Copenhagen with Matt and my Mum to do some Christmas shopping, and drink lots of mulled wine of course, I'm SO excited!

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