Saturday, March 26, 2016


Over the past few years I've found shopping for clothing very difficult. Not only have I had to worry more about paying rent than owning the latest trends, (London living is not cheap), but my taste has changed too and I've become a little confused in the transition. Whilst at Uni I opted for a rather boutique"y" look wearing mainly vintage and cute dresses, I now prefer a more sophisticated look featuring darker shades and sleeker silhouettes. I think growing my hair long has effected what I like wearing somehow too.

As you can imagine then, my wardrobe is now an eclectic mix of patterned blouses I never wear but can't seem to bring myself to part with alongside a cleaner, darker selection of Cos and The Whitepepper. This makes dressing in the morning very confusing.... "Who do I want to be today?"

Last weekend I put all of my ugly blouses, checked man blazers and vintage ditsy print dresses in a huge suitcase and I've hidden them under the stairs out of my life! Of course I've kept a few patterns and colours in my wardrobe; the electric pink, purple and green sheer checked blouse I picked up for £14 in a vintage store in Southampton for example, and a loud pair of high waisted 80s style shorts I've worn once but swear I will make more use of this summer.... I've also started some boards on Pinterest; Fashion Week and Style, which I pin inspiring outfits on to help refine both my personal style and styling aesthetic.    

I thought I'd given up on shopping - I always felt confused and disoriented and I'd always go home empty handed feeling a bit dead inside due to my loss of retail love. But then last Wednesday I paid a spontaneous visit to Topshop on my way home from work and found myself feeling not awkward, lost and overwhelmed but calm, collected and focussed. I scanned the sale rails, picking up a few bits here and there, before finding a really cute Sister Jane dress in the sale for £25. I tried everything on, you have to really, and ended up leaving with the dress and a simple ribbed funnel neck in navy, which I thought would look good under pinafores. I also picked up some new underwear, I love the knickers in the three for £10 section and always buy black so everything matches!

I'm not sure if my love of shopping has completely returned yet but I certainly seem better at it at least... finally! My main focus now is to refine my wardrobe and overall style so that I can literally get out of bed in the morning, throw something on and walk out the door looking effortless... I plan to do this by treating myself to a couple of new pieces each month, and I'd like to buy more investment pieces that I know will last. Dr Martens shoes, Cos coats, things like that.

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